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Short story of how we started the Harmony Harvest
In the quest of having a good food and to do farming, We bought a 5 acre land and started the journey of exploring the organic farming. While doing so we have connected with different farmers and farmers who have already doing Organic farming. We interacted with government officials and studied the complex nature of farming technologies.
During this process we have enhanced the knowledge of sustainable living using natural methods, thus we chose permaculture as the best solution of farming which avoids any wastage of resources.
The best wealth we can leave for our children are the good food. In the world of heavy chemical farming it became hard to find naturally grown hazard free food. Though Harmony Harvest we aim to provide better consultation to the farmers and Individuals to create their own permaculture based food harvesting.
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Our Techniques
Integrating livestock grazing beneath a forest canopy with approximately 50% cover, allowing for the persistence of grasses.
Riparian Buffers
Establishing tree crop systems along water bodies such as streams, rivers, and wetlands.
Forest Farming
cultivation of high-value crops under the protection of a managed tree canopy
Mixed Cropping
Harmonizing annuals, biennials, and perennials in a unified ecosystem.
Windbreaks and Shelterbelts
Implementing tree crop systems to mitigate the impact of wind. 4. Alley Cropping: Cultivating rows of trees amid conventional crops, such as planting Black Walnuts between rows of annual and biennial crops.
Orchard Design and Implementation
Trees are usually planted from 16 to 22 feet apart in the row and the same distance between the rows, depending on tree vigor, soil fertil ity, and final, expected tree size.
Exploring Our Projects
Organic Agriculture
Transitioning from Chemical to Organic Agriculture
Permaculture Farm Design
Permaculture Design for Farms and Agroforestry Systems
Physical Properties of Soil
Characteristics of Soil Structure and Composition